Why is GBS-E0 and GBS-E1 Weight ReducingApparatus so popular? It is a newly emerging technology withcapacities not only to dissolve fat, but also to remove wrinkles, makingskin even and tight.
GBS-E0 Weight Reducing Apparatus is a safe andeffective treatment for fat dissolving and body shaping. It risks noragged skin problems that liposuction may face after the operation, nordoes it have the side effect that medicine, diet control, sports maybring. The treatment period is largely shortened, and you are notbothered by the trouble and inconvenience of wearing corsets. Currentwith changeable RF keeps stimulating electrons inside cell molecules ofthe body, and enables electrons to move and hit each other, thus toproduce heat to burn out the fat and diminish the fat bulk.
This system shall effectively improve the celluliteskin on buttocks and thigh, and enable arms, belly, and thigh to loseweigh. Meanwhile, it can also solve the flab problem after childbirth orliposuction operation.
The particular fat-bursting radio frequencytechnology make fat dissolving safer and easier.
It adopts patent PMT technology and self-ownedcircled electrode, strictly controls the depth and evenness of thecurrent RF, and avoids the risk of being burned. It is very safe. Itworks in a circling manner and enables the skin to steadily become warm.You will feel at ease during the treatment, only to feel warm and nopains.
Its particular bi-Polar RF technology shall selectdifferent treatment intensity based on the specific profiles of eachcustomer. Customers can strongly feel its instant effect which ranks thebest. It has been widely use in clinical application in Europe,America, Japan and Hong Kong, and its curative effect has beenrecognized universally.
Surpassing and replacing liposuction;
Firming slack skin;
Increasing physical activity level and expulsionof toxin;
Diminishing striations of pregnancy;
Curing muscle spasms and relieving muscle painfor relaxation;
Reducing weight: shaping of waist, belly,buttocks and legs under quick fat reduction.
Apparatus Fitting Principle and Effects:
Fat-bursting Radio Frequency Fat DissolvingConnector: the latest no wound fat-bursting face and body slimming hightechnology in the 21st century. Fat-bursting is a kind of nuclearmagnetic wave that can directly penetrate into subcutis about 1-6cm withthe nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of 10 million times per secondto warm the subcutaneous parts and smoothen the circulation of deepcapillary and lymphoid tissue for the purpose of best medicationabsorbing and fat dissolving. At the same time, after penetrating intohuman body, the nuclear magnetic wave can cause strong impact andfriction among the fatty cells, which can effectively consume heat andmoisture in cells so as to reduce cells. Additionally, when the nuclearmagnetic vibration frequency reaches to the highest range, a strongimpact happens among cells, cells blow up instantly, and fatty cellsreduce, consequently, it brings slimming effect.
RF (RADIO FREQUENCY) is a kind of effect onintramolecular bioelectricity in the tissues.Under the influence of the apparatus, RF produces bioelectricity. Thehigh-frequency RF produced by it can make body bring heat energyquickly, which stimulates collagen cells proliferation, andrestores aging and damaged skin. Therefore, it fulfills the effects ofeliminating wrinkles and firming skin, solving the facial wrinklesproblem, shrinking pores, slimming faces, reducing double chins, liftingneck skin, improving cellulite, slimming belly and handmuscles,remodeling the shape of legs and so on. The simultaneouslyproduced bioenergy can strengthen local blood circulation, and arousethe decomposition of fatty acid and fatty cell apoptosis, which attainthe aim of dissolving fat and slimming.
Fat-sucking and Shaping Connector: Shaping slimmingis new technology, and integrated with many functions. It refers toinnervation crossover faradic current nursing, which lead responseelements into subcutis, and activate the fat decomposition process. Andit drains residual moisture in surface tissues, and also improves theexchange of the blood and lymph in the part. Therefore, it not onlyimproves cells' functions, but also accelerates the elimination of toxinand wastes, which makes it cause muscle contraction that is similar tothat caused by natural exercises. When the electrode correctly touchesthe motorpoint and stimulates it with the current, muscle contractioncan be affected to strengthen the muscle and improve the musclerelaxation problem.
fat-bursting radio frequency fat dissolvingconnector
fat-sucking and shapping connector
net weight:38kg